Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Heroes and Sheroes

I recently had someone ask me who my role models are, seeing as I dislike almost everybody in the world of entertainment, so I thought I'd spend some time on the people I admire and respect. These are in no particular order.

Kimmy Gibbler - Sure, she had the legs of a praying mantis, but I'll be gosh-darned if she wasn't my favorite obnoxious character on television during the late 80's. Nosy, annoying, socially mature beyond her years with just a dash of hateful naivete, she was something to look up to, someone I related to. I like to imagine that the Kimmy Gibbler character lived on well after Full House was cancelled, and she's out there somewhere, hating someone that I would hate too.

Bea Arthur - People like to make fun of Bea Arthur because she's a tall husky-voiced woman, but Bea Arthur is one of the funniest, most talented comedic actresses ever. I can sit and watch hours and hours of "Maude" and laugh so hard it hurts. She doesn't even have to say anything, her blank-faced reactions to situations are one of the funniest things about her. You KNOW what she's thinking without her having to say it. The biggest compliment anyone could give someone is to tell them that they're as funny as Bea Arthur.

Bill Hicks - I hesitate to even write any kind of description about my feelings for Bill Hicks because I don't want to cheapen the memory of one of the most creative minds and best satirists in the history of the universe. If you're too young to have heard of Bill Hicks, or never got to see him before his tragic demise at the age of 32, do yourself a favor and check him out. If you think the people on The Daily Show are funny and clever, Bill Hicks makes Jon Stewart look like Carrot Top.



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