Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Abusin' Together

I don't like to brag, but I consider myself somewhat of an expert when it comes to cameo appearances in films by Huey Lewis. I used to have really useless knowledge swimming around my head, like trigonometry and physics, but I went through an experimental procedure years ago to remove any knowledge of these worthless subjects to make room for more important things, i.e. cameo appearances in films by Huey Lewis. Some people called this experimental procedure "A Ben Affleck Movie Marathon", but I prefer to leave the fancy technical terms to my doctor and his staff of buxom TV Guide nurses.

If you remember the film "Duets", then you no doubt can recall the Huey Lewis/Gwyneth Paltrow karaoke duet of "Cruisin' Together". We found out that, aside from being able to bore the crap out of all of us, she could actually carry a tune.

FOX is trying to recreate this Huey Lewis moment by airing a reality show starting next month called "Duets". The show will feature singers such as Cyndi Lauper, Patti Labelle, Aaron Neville, and Kenny Loggins paired with "non-singing celebrities" in a duet singing competition. It's sort of like American Idol, but instead of seeing someone like Kelly Clarkson win a record contract, we'll get to see someone like Elizabeth Berkley try to make it through a duet of "Somewhere Out There" with Brian McKnight and NOT vomit up a pile of pills and accost him with her vagina when she tries and fails to hit the high notes. This is what I like to call "Quality Television". I can only hope it won't be on the same night as Rock Star Supernova. I don't want to get all blown out from the sensory overload.


We've got a show this Saturday at DaDa for the Popscene 3rd Anniversary Party along with I Am Stereo and The FABULOUS Shuttle Lounge. You are such a loser if you miss it. That goes for you too, grandma.


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