Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Dempsey Factor

It's Saturday morning, I'm sitting in front of the television watching some Daniel Powter rip-off singer/songwriter guy on the CBS Early Show, thinking about how much he sucks and how I probably am the one with the problem, and working on my second cup of coffee. I have four cats crawling all over me with a look of dissatisfaction over the emptiness of the orange Iams bag that lay crumpled in the corner. I am dressed like an escaped Fly Girl from 1990. Nothing out of the ordinary for a Saturday morning, right?

Then I start flipping the channels on the remote. I don't have cable, so it takes about six seconds to make it through all the channels. I stop on UPN. There's a commercial for a movie they're showing at 2pm today. It took approximately three seconds of viewing Patrick Dempsey antics before I realized that the movie they're showing at 2pm today is "Loverboy".

That being said, I would like to announce the cancellation of any plans I had for this afternoon. I can only hope this is the lead-in to an entire Patrick Dempsey movie marathon. "Can't Buy Me Love", "Meatballs 3", that one movie where he ate the cigarettes, and which ever "Oh God, You Devil" sequel he was in.

Oh, and Paris Hilton's pet monkey bit her on the arm. The article mentioned something about her being taken to the hospital, but no mention of the series of shots that the monkey will have to get in order to stop the progression of whatever disease he surely caught from her.

And we're playing at Dada tonight.



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