Friday, August 11, 2006

Crocodile Smudgee

If you know anything about hot chicks from Australia currently living in exile in Costa Rica, then you know that our dear friend Vanessa is coming back to the US tomorrow for a week-long visit full of laughs, tabloid-catchups, on-the-street fashion commentary and, unfortunately, copious amounts of Smudgery, the likes of which have not been seen since Lauren Tewes was kicked off the cast of The Love Boat. When I think of the horrors she'll be subjected to at the "hands" of the dastardly Trent Pingel....

To properly celebrate her arrival, we're putting on a show at DaDa in Delray Beach tomorrow night, August 12th, around 11pm - and we hope you'll be there to celebrate her homecoming with us. Dance with her, pretend you "accidently" brushed up against her, buy her a her a lot of drinks. Lord knows she'll need them if she's to survive The Smudge for an entire week and its disgusting, horrific, lustful crimes against sexual humanity.

I have to go take 300 showers now.



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