Friday, September 08, 2006

Devastatin' Dave - The Inflated Ego Slave

I'm quite disheartened to report that Dave Navarro is no longer "dating" Jenna Jameson. I really thought those two had what it takes to last, but it seems Dave isn't looking to settle down anytime soon, especially with someone who's spent the majority of their adult years having sex with people on camera for money. There's almost nothing you can say to console me, so please don't try.

I said "almost nothing".

Dave Navarro is now allegedly dating Playboy's Miss June 2006, Stephanie Larimore. In the traditional fashion, her "spread" notes her turn-on's and turn-off's. Here's a few of the turn-off's:

1. Arrogance
2. Materialism
3. Shallowness
4. Bad hygiene
5. Drug use

I am so glad Dave Navarro has never displayed any of these characteristics, except for all of them. Kudos, Stephanie. You've found your anti-dream man, and I use the term "man" loosely. It's a lot easier to type out "man" than "The Great Irrelevant Shirtless Pumpkin-Headed Wolverine Ego Train of Poorly Manicured Vaginal Disasters Sponsored By Hot Topic". You understand I tend to be lazy.

No shows this weekend - go see John Ralston at Respectable's in West Palm Beach on Saturday, September 9th. He's good people.

The Freakin' Hott's next show is happening September 22nd at Respectable's. Hold your water.



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