Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fun With Words and Phrases

What the heck? It's been a while...

Here is another list of words/terms/phrases that need to be struck from our vernacular immediately:

1. "Catfight" - On its own, not that bad, but there's always some idiot in a bar/club/whatever who says it like this - "Oooooh - Catfight!" and then looks around at their friends to make sure they heard them say it, and then laughs like they're the one who invented the term to begin with. I hate you.

2. "Do I Smell Bacon?" - This was slightly amusing to me when I was nine years old, when a police car would drive by our school bus and one of the boys on the back of the bus would say it. Since then, there mere utterance of this term makes me want to kick you in the face. Again, please stop laughing and looking around at your friends for their approval and praise after you say this. You're not funny.

3. "24/7" - I'm just sick of this one. Particularly when someone like Larry King says it and gets that smug look like he's in on some "hip lingo" that all the kids are using.

4. "LOL" - I used to work with a woman who would instant message me "LOL" when she thought something was funny, but I could see her from my desk, and she CLEARLY was not "laughing out loud". Nor was she ever rolling on the floor laughing her ass off, contrary to her numerous ROFLMAO's. I hate people who use instant messaging as a way to pacify their need to pathologically lie about the status of their laughter. Screw them.

5. "You must cease all contact with Donny Osmond immediately" - I find this one annoying because I know that if Donny just got the chance to know me, he would realize that we're meant to be together and stop this restraining order business once and for all.



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