Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Secret Confessions

I have two secrets to share with you. One is good, the other is DISGUSTING.

The first secret is that we're playing at Brogue's in downtown Lake Worth this Friday, January 5th, at 10pm with The Remnants. 21 and up - and it's free.

The second secret is something that I've been trying to hide for a long time.

It's not always easy to admit to yourself that you have a problem, and thankfully, the new year has made me decide to reveal a shameful secret that's been plaguing me for a long time. A lot of times I feel like an outcast because of it. I hang my head in shame when the subject comes up, and hope that nobody notices, but the pain is too much to bear sometimes. I feel ashamed because I just don't have the willpower to conquer this thing that's gotten a hold of me, like I'm powerless against my own disgusting behavior. I've lost my friends in The Pussycat Dolls, my pals in the cast of NBC's "Las Vegas", and even my nearest and dearest true-blue buddy, Mary-KateNicoleLindsayAshlee because of it. I feel so alone.

Wow. This is harder than I thought. I guess I'll just come out and say it.

I...I......I do NOT have an eating disorder.

Please don't judge me. I judge myself harshly enough as it is every time I allow myself to eat regular meals, and even more harshly when I allow myself to digest said meals. Do you know what it's like to live like this? To have a perfectly good handful of french fries in my mouth and have to pretend like I just got punched in the jaw by Nick Carter when Paris Hilton comes walking up to me at Burger King? I might live in a prison made of forks and spoons, but you have no right to look down your sadly-unrhinoplastied nose at least not when I can give you the number to a really good surgeon who can fix that thing for you, unless you planned on going through life dating the help. Helloooo?!!!

So, if you see me eating regularly, please, lend me a hand... or your toothbrush...and watch my purse while I'm in the ladies room.

Friends don't let friends eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not REAL friends anyway.

You make me sick, but not sick enough to throw this salad up, which makes me even SICKER.



Blogger Tom C said...

this doesn't have anything to do with your post, which was hilarious, but is there a particular reason you guys aren't on myspace? cliche? too commmercial? exposure aversion? just curious.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, uh, never mind. there you are.

8:09 PM  

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