Wednesday, September 20, 2006

You Know What Time It Is...

Seeing as I'm just getting over a cold, I thought this would be a good time to bring up the following grievance:

The word you're looking for is LOZENGE.

What'd you say? Right, right. Lozenger.

Do you SEE the letter 'R' in the word LOZENGE???

And furthermore, the word Lozenge actually means "oval". Does "Ovaler" make sense to you?

And while we're at it, the other word you're looking for is SUPPOSEDLY. Supposably is not a word. Of course, neither is "Assface", but that's not going to stop me from calling you one.

And while we're at THAT, I believe the term for which you're reaching for is "I Could NOT Care Less". Saying "I Could Care Less" means that you actually still care.

And for the last freakin' time, YOUR DOES NOT EQUAL YOU'RE.

Now get back to work, and figure out what YOU'RE going to wear to see The Freakin' Hott this Friday at Respectable's and Saturday at The Poorhouse. You will be graded on this assignment.



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