Monday, October 17, 2005

Merry Freakin' Christmas

As I'm sure you all know, Neiman Marcus put out their annual Christmas catalog today. I'm know you've been eagerly awaiting its arrival all year long, and haven't been able to sleep for days just thinking about it. Where else can you buy a watch with a mink wristband? Certainly not at the Adult Video Warehouse where you usually shop, you perverted freak. People like you should be kept in a cage, which is actually pretty convenient, because I think they actually sell cages there. But I digress...

I bring this up only because I found it positively FASCINATING that one of the items in the Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog is a private Christmas concert from Elton John...for 1.3 million dollars. That's right. 1.3 MILLION DOLLARS. This got me to thinking about ways that The Freakin' Hott can pull a little cash in around Christmastime. Obviously, we don't have Neiman Marcus appeal, but perhaps Payless Shoes or TJ Maxx, or even the Swap Shop, would like to put a private TFH show in their Christmas catalogs. I would even be willing to be paid in gauchos. Then I would have a big ol' Christmas Gaucho Bonfire and invite all of you to toast marshmallows over their hideous smoldering rayon ashes.

I'm a giver. It's just who I am.



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