Sunday, November 20, 2005

Cover that Sneeze, Sleaze!

In case you haven't heard, Sony has just been busted for one of the more clever schemes in marketing I've heard of in a while. And by "marketing", I mean "evil crap". Packaged inside that shiny silver Celine Dion or Neil Diamond disk lives a nasty little factory-embedded virus that, when the cd is played in your computer, branches out across your system and reports back your personal information to - you guessed it - Sony. Where you live, what sites you're looking at, what kind of items you purchase online, how many times you log on to morally reprehensible barnyard adult entertainment pages per day, and so on.

The Freakin' Hott has been trying to figure out a way to press and package our finished cd, but now I feel as though the bar has been raised too high. We can't afford to have expensive viruses put on our cd's. We could maybe sneeze on each disk before it goes in the jewel case, or blow our noses on the liner notes, but I don't think that's gonna cut it.

Well there goes my Monday morning. If I can no longer compete with the pure dickishness that is Sony Music, I just don't know what to do with myself.



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