Friday, March 10, 2006

Words of Wangdom

Dear Men,

As demonstrated by the naked pictures of Pete Wentz (bass player for Fall Out Boy) that are circulating around the internet, there are still a few things that men need to learn about impressing women.

1. Our eyes are not made of labia. Up-close wiener shots make us laugh, and then recoil in horror, then laugh again, then recoil again, then laugh, then recoil, and so on and so forth. When we're done doing that, we show your wiener picture to all of our friends, and submit it to a few websites. Size truly doesn't matter here. Pictures of wieners are just funny...and horrifying...and then funny again.

2. Less IS more. A lot of men find this to be a "gray area" because most women have a unique scale of what they find to be "too much". For the record, shirtless is good. Pantsless is bad. Hats of any kind - when otherwise naked or semi-naked - bad. A picture of you in a diaper? Always, always bad.

3. I realize that this must be the influence of porn on the young folks, but believe it or not, the mere sight of a man's package is NOT enough to get us going. News flash: Sometimes, we actually like to be spoken to. If you can manage to speak to us for five minutes without whipping it out, that's even better.

Don't make me pull this blog over.



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